Thursday, March 29, 2012

Getting a row count from a DataSource vs GridView

There HAS to be an easier way to do this...

I have 2 seperate SqlDataSources for 2 distinct filters. How do I get a simple row count for each SqlDataSource? It seems the only way is by using the ObjectDataSource and going through that whole mess (paging, etc.). And unfortunately, you can't simply get the number of rows in the GridView that represents each DataSource if AllowPaging is true for the GridView.

This is frustrating.


You gotta setup the Selected Event

protected void SqlDataSource1_Selected( object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e )


Can you give me a little more insight...




Not sure how much more detailed I can get. When you setup your SqlDataSources, put

<asp:SqlDataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"runat="server"OnSelected="SqlDataSource_Selected" ... />

They both should be able to use the same event since you want them both to do the same thing.

Then in your code-beside, setup the event as follows

protectedvoid SqlDataSource_Selected(object sender,SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e )
// Do something with e.AffectedRows
Response.Write( e.AffectedRows );

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