Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Get Sql Err Message 15422 when activating application role.

Running VB 2005 Express Edition and Sql Server 2005 Express Edition (SQLX).

Developing a desktop application which calls a local instance of ".\sqlexpress".

This app needs to set data base options and add/del various table columns.

When activating the application role, I get the following message:

HariCari SQL Error/s 15422 - Application roles can only be activated at the ad hoc level.

Anyone know what this message means?

I have searched SQL Server Books On-Line and been unable to find a list of Sql err numbers. Either I have missed the obvious or Books On-Line has missed the obvious.



You cannot call sp_setapprole or sp_unsetapprole within another stored procedure. These procedures must be called directly (that's what the message means by ad hoc level).

Here's the sp_setapprole topic:

It mentions in the remarks section that: "The sp_setapprole stored procedure can be executed only by direct Transact-SQL statements; it cannot be executed within another stored procedure or from within a user-defined transaction."


|||Many thanks Laurentiu!!!

Obviously, I will not continue going down a path which is not intended to work. You have save me time and agravitation.

Again, Thanks!!!


I have being trying to setup application roles in my application. I have been reading a couple of threads (the one with Ian), and am still a bit lost.

When you say that application roles must be called directly, how do you get the 3rd party application to to call this SP via ODBC and if you have to manualy type in the SP with the password, doesn't that allow the user (inputer) access to the database.

Please help.|||

You must make the calls directly from your application code, not by embedding them in a stored procedure and calling the stored procedure from the application code. Your application should issue the setapprole request directly, not call a procedure that calls sp_setapprole.


|||This is a snippet of C/C++ ODBC code I'm using. I have a valid statement handle allocated and is freed upon function return.

sqlrc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, parmlen[0], 0, app, parmlen[0], &cb[0]);
sqlrc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, parmlen[1], 0, pw, parmlen[1], &cb[1]);

strcpy(buff, "{call sp_setapprole (?,?)}");
sqlrc = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, buff, SQL_NTS);

I have examined the stored proc code and have noticed that it signals this error when the nest level is greater than 1. Is there some code in ODBC that creates a SP on the fly and then calls the SQLExecDirect ?

Many thanks.|||

I am not sure what you are asking for. For ODBC questions, you may want to post on the SQL Server Data Access forum.

If you want to find out how to set an application role withing your application, here is a simple C# example that does that. It assumes you have created the application role in a database named test with the following commands:

create database test

use test

create application role approle with password = 'Password)^'

In the following function, you should replace the YOURSERVERNAME string with the name of your SQL Server instance:

static void sql_test()
SqlConnection sqlConn = null;
String strConn = "Persist Security Info=false;";

strConn += "Server=\'" + "YOURSERVERNAME"
+ "\';Integrated Security=true;";

sqlConn = new SqlConnection(strConn);
catch (Exception e)


SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("select user_name()", sqlConn);
catch (Exception e)

sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("sp_setapprole 'approle', 'Password)^'", sqlConn);
catch (Exception e)

sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("select user_name()", sqlConn);
catch (Exception e)

This should print your original context and then the context of approle, showing that approle was set.


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